Coffee Chronicles 001

"Official" tasting notes and background information.
Brewing Method AeroPress
I am following James Hoffman's "The Ultimate AeroPress Technique". 11 grams of coffee and 200 grams of water. Steep 2 minutes, then swirl and let settle for 30 seconds before fully pressing it through.

Tasting Notes
When opening the package I got hit with a whiff of chilli and sweetness. This carries through to the finished cup who has a surprisingly sweet note. I couldn't quite place the sweet note until I read the tasting notes: Mango.
It clearly comes through and is a nice, clean cup, almost refreshing. The sweetness lingers a bit on the tongue afterwards which is quite nice and pleasant actually. No real bitterness.
Rating: 4/5
Brewing Method Bripe
Two tea spoons worth of ground coffee (same setting as for the AeroPress), add water and heat to 185F with the torch, then let cool down to ~135F.

Tasting Notes
This is interesting. In the past I found my dark roasts have more of a sweet note, but in this case I get much more of an earthy note from the Bripe than I did with the AeroPress. The sweetness is still there, but a bit more hidden and subtle.
Rating: 3.9/5
Curious to see what tomorrow's coffee is.