Coffee Chronicles 023

"Official" tasting notes and background information.
The Beans

Small beans again, hinting at higher elevation. Like pretty much all of this week I am not getting any aroma off of the beans.
Brewing Method AeroPress
I am following James Hoffman's "The Ultimate AeroPress Technique". 11 grams of coffee and 200 grams of water. Steep 2 minutes, then swirl and let settle for 30 seconds before fully pressing it through.

Like with the beans, there is little or no aroma coming off of the brew.
On the first sip I am getting some orangey notes and some citrus(?). It has very little bitterness. As it cools some sweetness is coming through.
Overall, a very pleasant and enjoyable cup for an overcast Sunday morning.
Rating: 4/5
Brewing Method French Press

No aroma again off of the brew and I am not really discovering any new flavours coming forward. The tasting notes state Pineapple and Loquat, a fruit I am not familiar with, so that may be the note at the tail end....
Overall not better or worse than the AeroPress version.
Rating: 4/5